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Children learn from playing! The English Playgroup emphasize on activities such as games, children’s drama, storytelling and handcrafts to teach the children the importance of interactive behavior manners, sharing and teamwork, enchanting their moral standard/education and social skill before they go on to kindergartens.


英語遊樂場讓孩子在玩樂的過程中,聽、說、讀、寫英語,讓英語漸漸地融入孩子的生活中。課程中活動的活動包括: 英語小遊戲、兒歌欣賞、簡單的手工製作等,讓孩子從中學習聽從指令、分享及禮讓的重要,提升孩子的品德教育。

English Playgroup


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