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#英文文法 #Passive Voice #主動句

今日老師同學仔複習返【#Passive Voice】, 大部份同學仔都好好記性喎!


考試中,常考核學生應用Passive Voice於以下三種Tense:

#Present Tense

#Active Voice: I eat the apple.

#Passive Voice: The apple is eaten by me.

#Present Continuous Present

Active Voice: I am eating the apple.

Passive Voice: The apple is being eaten by me.

#Past Tense

Active Voice: I ate the apple.

Passive Voice: The apple was eaten by me.

以下為Passive Voice於七種不同Tense中的變法,雖然少用於測試學生對Passive Voice的認識及理解,但在閱讀理解中也有機會看到,不要陌生喔!

#Past Continuous Present

#Active Voice: I was eating the apple.

#Passive Voice: The apple was being eaten by me.

#Future Tense (will)

#Active Voice: I will eat the apple.

#Passive Voice: The apple will be eaten by me.

#Future Tense (be going to)

#Active Voice: I am going to eat the apple.

#Passive Voice: The apple is going to be eaten by me.

#Present Prefect Tense

#Active Voice: I have eaten the apple.

#Passive Voice: The apple has been eaten by me.

#Past Prefect Tense

#Active Voice: I had eaten the apple.

#Passive Voice: The apple had been eaten by me.

#Present Prefect Continuous Tense

#Active Voice: I have been eating the apple.

#Passive Voice: The apple has been being eaten by me.

#Past Prefect Continuous Tense

#Active Voice: I had been eating the apple.

#Passive Voice: The apple had been being eaten by me.

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